[Teaser] GCP Podcast

Mastering Google Cloud Made Easy

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Teaser Episode 

We are happy to launch our first Podcast Series, called Mastering Google Cloud Made Easy. This podcast is dedicated to everyone who is trying to get the maximum of Google Cloud or is still looking for the best way to run business operations in the cloud.

In this episode, Ivaylo Dimitrov, Google Cloud Solution Architect at Zelusit, will briefly present the idea behind this podcast.


Hello everyone. My name is Ivaylo Dimitrov and I am a Google Cloud Solution Architect at Zelusit. Welcome to our GCP podcast called” Mastering Google Cloud Made Easy”.

This podcast is for everyone who is trying to get the maximum of Google Cloud or is still looking for the best way to run business operations in the cloud. Before we go on, I encourage you to subscribe to our channel so you can stay tuned with future insights and upcoming episodes. 

Today, I will briefly present the idea behind this podcast and some topics that will be covered in the next episodes. We will talk about key digital transformation challenges in leading industry domains, starting with Retail. 

In the first episode we will discuss how to become a customer-centric, datadriven retailer by leveraging Google Cloud. It can help you improve decision-making, build data-rich experiences that go beyond traditional BI, and accelerate your business with data-driven workflows.  

In the second episode we will discuss the importance of a retailer’s ability to respond to unpredictable demand spikes and patterns. At the end of the day, it is all about data, effective infrastructure, and reliable business operations. To ensure all of it is in place, leading companies migrate to the cloud driving business continuity and competitive advantages. 

In the third episode I will provide helpful ideas on how to get better at using data and driving actionable business insights. We will discuss how retail companies can leverage Google Cloud to fully take advantage of a modern data strategy and I will share some examples and best practices from my experience.  

In a nutshell, by following this podcast, you will be able to take a sneak peek behind the Google Cloud mastery, supported by good examples from industry-leading companies. You will find out how you could leverage Google Cloud to drive innovation, omni-channel customer experience, and real-time data experience governed by a single trusted and unified data model. 

Thank you for joining and get ready for Zelusit’s insights around digital transformation and cloud excellence with Google Cloud. Make sure you subscribe to our channel to always stay tuned with the latest insights we share. Join us next week to find out how to become a customer-centric, data-driven organization. 

Stay safe and see you next time. 

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