
Looker Guide to Modern BI Evaluations

How to make the best decisions when it comes to business intelligence platform onboarding?

About the guide

The constantly evolving Business Intelligence (BI) and analytics platform market makes it challenging for organizations to keep pace and take full advantage of innovative modern technologies. Today’s BI users are faced with the difficult task of choosing between diverse stack of BI and analytics platforms and deciding on the best fit for their organization with little guidance on what to look for and how to make this decision.

This Looker guide is intended to help BI decision makers through this challenging process using a modern evaluation methodology and selection process to make an informed BI platform purchase decision.

Onboarding the BI platform that best fits your business needs will help you:

  • Ensure seamless access to business data and insights across the organization.
  • Get an end-to-end view of all your channels and drive incredible value to your businesses.
  • Make better business decisions based on true insights and real-time analytics.
  • Empower business users at any skill level to freely explore actionable data in user friendly, interactive fashion.

Table of Contents

  • Overview (focus on value driven BI and analytics tools)
  • Identify the business need (business problems and your audience)
  • Explore options (discovery, requirements, demo, cost structure, design, evaluation)
  • Execute the evaluation (move beyond dashboards and identify vendor red flags)
  • Decide on the tool of choice (commercial alignment, enablement, and support)
  • Conclusion

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