
Sustainability Analytics: How to Calculate Your Organization’s Carbon Footprint?

Achieve organizational sustainability goals and competitive advantage by collecting and analyzing key emissions in an easy reporting framework.

About the guide

Sustainability is a top priority for organizations across industries. By regularly monitoring and assessing their sustainability performance, organizations can make informed decisions that minimize negative impacts and maximize positive ones. This contributes to protecting the environment, supporting social well-being, and promoting long-term economic viability. Additionally, showcasing strong ESG performance and compliance can be a key factor in attracting and retaining customers, employees, and investors.

This guide will help you get started with sustainability analytics and achieve your 2024 sustainability agenda. Our team of experts can efficiently implement sustainability data analytics and help you collect the necessary data to measure and calculate your organization’s carbon footprint.

Table of contents

  • What is sustainability monitoring and assessment?
  • Why is sustainability analytics important?
  • How does Zelusit’s solution work?
  • What are the benefits of Zelusit’s sustainability analytics solution?
  • Who can benefit from this solution?
  • Potential projects and sustainability analytics use cases
  • Target areas/industries
  • How to get started

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DOWNLOAD NOW: How to Calculate Your Organization's Carbon Footprint