
3x Faster Hadoop to Azure Migration 

Deep dive into Zelusit’s Cloud Migration approach, along with some of the accelerators we use to help our customers migrate from Hadoop to Azure Synapse 3x faster.

With time-to-insight and scalability becoming increasingly critical, many organizations that relied on Hadoop and other legacy platforms for data storage and processing are now exploring the option of migrating to the cloud. While Apache Hadoop was undoubtedly a revolutionary technology in its time, organizations are realizing that it has since reached its performance limit and can no longer meet current business needs. 

Modern organizations have massive volumes of data, and their expectations from their data, in terms of the quality and speed of insights, have changed. Data-led insights now power both tactical and strategic decision-making, and most organizations recognize that the time and resources that were previously spent on maintaining and scaling on-premise platforms can instead be applied in analytics to sharpen their competitive edge. 

The unlimited flexibility and scalability of the cloud, along with its pay-for-use approach, is an attractive alternative to the high upfront and scaling costs of Hadoop. Moreover, the cloud does away with management, maintenance, and administration-related tasks, allowing organizations to reap the advantages of platform-as-a-service (PaaS), and focus on extracting value from their data. 

Azure Synapse offers numerous advantages over legacy on-premise systems and enables organizations to realize data insights 3x faster. Your organization will be able to reap the Platform-as-a-Service benefits of the Azure Cloud, including unlimited scalability, pay-for-use pricing, and a managed platform with in-built governance and security capabilities. 

In this whitepaper, we deep dive into Zelusit’s Cloud Migration approach, along with some of the accelerators we use to help our customers migrate from Hadoop to Azure Synapse 3x faster. 

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