
Bringing Data Lakes and Data Warehouses Together

Enable smart analytics and boost innovation by converging data lakes and data warehouses.

About the whitepaper

Companies have always been data driven, but over the last two decades we have seen a striking change in the way companies generate, collect, and use their data. In this whitepaper you fill find key advancements in data processing and a general perspective for how the data can be stored and accessed more effectively in the future.

More than ever before, companies see the need to modernize their data storage and processing systems to manage massive data volumes and close the data/value gap. This is a challenging problem to solve, and it can be a significant engineering undertaking to overhaul and consolidate legacy data analytics stacks. It is important to understand the technical, business, and financial impacts of not only what data is being collected, but how it is stored and accessed.

Part of this, too, is the organizational impact that changes to a data platform can have. It is hard to bring together multiple stakeholders, especially when it seems like their goals aren’t aligned. The good news is that when you bring together key data owners, users, and stewards of data systems, you can find a lot of common ground and agree on areas of compromise.

Table of contents

  • A brief history of data systems
  • Cloud to the rescue
  • Data warehouse and data lake convergence
  • Benefits of convergence
  • Future of smart analytics
  • Conclusion

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