
Multi-Cloud Insights on Google BigQuery 

This whitepaper showcases how Google BigQuery delivers multi-cloud insights and works with Looker to provide an enhanced data experience. 

Organizations today have vast amounts of data stored in different forms and locations. However, despite the unprecedented availability of data, deriving meaningful value from it has become more complex. 

The Cloud has undoubtedly opened new avenues for extracting business insights from data, and with increased Cloud adoption, more businesses are opting for a multi-Cloud approach to make the most of the services offered by different platforms. However, extracting multi-cloud insights remains challenging for many organizations. 

As one of the Big 3 cloud platforms, Google’s data warehouse, BigQuery, and business intelligence tool, Looker, integrate seamlessly to enable users to break down data silos and extract actionable insights from data, regardless of where it is stored. 

BigQuery is Google’s serverless, multi-cloud data warehouse that has been designed for business agility. As a Cloud-native data warehouse, it offers several inherent advantages over traditional or on-premise data warehouses, including an unlimited ability to scale up or down, cost-effectiveness, real-time data ingestion, and integration with advanced AI & BI tools. 

The core principle of the BigQuery architecture is the decoupling of storage and compute, which allows users to scale both of these independently and pay only for what they consume. BigQuery’s limitless scalability enables organizations to share a single view of their data with all users and eliminate data siloes that often emerge due to cost and compute concerns in traditional warehouses. 

For multi-cloud analytics, BigQuery Omni, a relatively new solution, brings the power of BigQuery to third-party cloud platforms. This eliminates the need for data to moved between clouds and helps organizations save on time and data transfer costs, and extract value from their data in a more efficient manner. 

This whitepaper showcases how Google BigQuery delivers multi-cloud insights and works with Looker to provide an enhanced data experience. It also highlights how Zelusit can help organizations accelerate their migration journey while mitigating risks. 

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