
The Best Master Data Management Approach: Big Bang vs Incremental 

Master Data Management (MDM) truly hits right to the driver’s point for an information development approach. By executing an enterprise-wide MDM strategy, your corporation can develop and maintain a ‘single version’ of truth for critical information that is the core of your corporation. The confusion for many enterprise owners lies in what is the best approach to deploy an MDM solution, whether it’s best to migrate data all at once or rather have it build out incrementally. 

The implementation and adoption strategy of Master Data Management is a critical challenge for any enterprise. Before defining a strategy or methodology, it is essential to understand an MDM system’s aspects, breadth, and outreach/impact. Master Data Management collects people, processes, and technology components working together to ensure Master Data is coordinated across the enterprise.  MDM provides a unified Master Data service for accurate, consistent, and complete Master Data across the enterprise and business partners. 

The right data management strategy helps the business immensely across various activities from reporting, cross-selling, up-selling to decision-making, and compliance. Without a master data program, inaccurate data provides only a fragmented view of what is going on in the business, which can be debilitating to other initiatives, operations, analytics, and decision making. Our article serves as a guide to understand which Master Data Management implementation and adoptation strategy is best suited for your business needs. 

We hope you find the information in this article valuable. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a discovery session with one of our experts, please reach out to us. 

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