
The Case for Digital Transformation 

The term Digital Transformation has gained a certain level of notoriety, as journalists and marketers placed it in the spotlight as the be-all, end-all to business success. Unfortunately, the true meaning of Digital Transformation is often distorted, making it seem like purchasing the latest “digital” solution, will solve all your business challenges. This whitepaper illustrates what a realistic Digital Transformation entails and brings to light the benefits that an organization will experience as a result. 

By unraveling trendy terminology, such as “Digital Business” and “Digitalization”, you will gain a deeper understanding of some of the key components of Digital Transformation. Through a case study, we see how a Digital Transformation occurs in a realistic senario; where specific objectives are set, and with a strategic plan as well as the proper implementation of the previously mentioned components, they are accomplished. 

Despite some of the surface-level hype surrounding Digital Transformation, with intentional execution, strategic planning and a workplace environment that harbours information sharing, there is substancial business value that can be derived through it. 

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About the author

Nima Evans, Principal Consultant, Governance and Digital Transformation

Nima Evans 

Principal Consultant, Governance and Digital Transformation