
Turbo Charging Value of Key Data Sets at AstraZeneca

In this whitepaper we will describe how AstraZeneca increased reports accuracy by 1000% through data warehouse modernization on AWS.

About the whitepaper

Read about how Zelusit accelerated the delivery of AstraZeneca’s modern data warehouse, offering improved insights and data accuracy to empowering the business to make data-driven decisions.

As a Data Centric organization, AstraZeneca Canada’s on-premise system was becoming outdated and inadequate in a rapidly evolving industry. They felt that the data that they had was not being leveraged to the fullest of its potential and further, provided inconsistent information that didn’t allow for accurate insights. Source data was easily manipulated by business users which resulted in distrust. AstraZeneca needed to implement a modernized platform that would create a single repository of trusted information, across their organization.

The Challenge

AstraZeneca needed to implement a modernized platform that would create a single repository of trusted information, across their organization.

The DWH Modernization

Zelusit architected and implemented an enterprise Data Warehouse, leveraging Amazon Redshift to replace AstraZeneca’s on-premise Oracle and Business Objects solution, instilling a set of Governance best practices and accelerators to ensure trust and accuracy.

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DOWNLOAD NOW - Turbo Charging Value of Key Data Sets with Zelusit