
Cloud Environments, It’s Much More Than Data Storage 

About the webinar

Humans are social by nature. This continues to be true even as we work from the comfort of our own homes.  Slowly, employees have started to adapt to the new normal and work from home (WFH) is now a reality for most. WFH is more than just having your work laptop connected to the office via wi-fi. For managers and business leaders, WFH is a necessity to ensure business continuity, customer service, and to ensure that employees continue to find purpose in their daily work. 

For a few years now, Cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services, Google and Microsoft have been developing tools, applications, and functionalities to facilitate virtual workspaces and remote collaboration. Some organizations leveraged these while employees were still allowed to frequent the office space, while others took advantage of these to facilitate flexible work arrangements. In any case, these tools now provide a virtual workspace. 

The attractive feature of Cloud is that providers have developed solutions that are accessible to organizations of any size. The new reality is such that most organizations can leverage these tools and functionalities to operate virtually. This applies not only to business processes and functions, but also to social interactions within the workplace, a sort of virtual water cooler space if you will. Zelusit had recently organized a series of free webinars to showcase tools and functionalities from the Big Three, which support business collaboration and continuity. These included Microsoft’s MS Teams, Amazon’s Chime, and the applications in Google’s G-Suite. Whether you are already on the Cloud or are considering a Cloud migration, this is an excellent opportunity to learn more or to investigate which provider will best meet the needs of the organization and employees. 

On-demand webinar

WATCH NOW (Webinar, Recording)

About the speaker

Kristian Gravelle, VP Marketing, Zelusit

Kristian Gravelle

VP Marketing 

Experienced Marketing Leader, focused on translating Zelusit’s value proposition into tangible business success factors and outcomes.