AWS Services and Consultancy

Embrace productivity, business agility, and operational resilience with AWS-native services. Simplify and expedite your migration while reducing costs.

Modernize Your Data Estate with AWS 

Zelusit is an AWS Advanced Tier Services Partner specialized in delivering fast analytics on the cloud and providing a suite of AWS services around data estate modernization, analytics, artificial intelligence, governance, and managed services. We help businesses of all types and sizes to accelerate their journey to the cloud. Every step along the way, you can leverage Zelusit’s years of experience to build your organizational, operational, and technical capabilities, so that you can gain business benefits faster.

Zelusit’s AWS Mastery

Zelusit offers your organization the skill and experience to modernize your data estate on AWS. Whether you are looking to migrate, re-host, re-architect, or re-factor, we will deliver a fast, cost-effective, and scalable platform allowing for value creation from all your data. Based on your unique set of needs and data prioritizations, we will help you assess, roadmap, and execute your project, offering enhanced features such as:

Get Funded by the AWS Migration Acceleration Program

Accelerate your cloud journey by taking advantage of Zelusit x AWS’s proven cloud migration strategy.

The MAP program uses a three-phase framework to guide organizations through their cloud migration journeys. At each phase, Zelusit can leverage AWS MAP funding to help facilitate organizations in their migration journeys.


Amazon Redshift Delivery badge earned by Zelusit.
AWS Partner - immersion day badge.

“Zelusit measures its success by the success of the organizations they provide support to and that is proven by their actions and work ethics. The level of cooperation between members of our organization and Zelusit has always been outstanding. ”

Chris Smith | VP Digital Health, Skylight Health Group

4x faster data processing with AWS cloud analytics platform - square image
Success Story

4x Faster Data Processing with AWS Cloud Analytics Platform

A leading automotive group wanted faster data processing, seamless remote access and enhanced reporting. It also needed to rapidly analyze car-generated data to improve its customer experience and achieve faster time-to-market for new features.

To achieve these results, Zelusit migrated the manufacturer’s existing big data analytics platform to the cloud.


faster data processing


more data at lower costs


resource scalability


Cloud Business Intelligence System

“We strongly rely on their judgement and knowledge on a daily basis. Outstanding is the fact that they always think ahead: it happened more than once that we wanted to request something which was already implemented independently.”

Project Manager | Automotive Group


source of truth for all data


faster reporting


faster data processing 

15x Faster Reporting with an AWS Data Lake Implementation - square image.

Featured Resources

Let’s Talk AWS Excellence