
Optimize pharmaceutical production and improve customer experiences with accurate, real-time data.

Better Manage and Leverage Your Data

Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies are under pressure to streamline their operations and cut costs while delivering novel therapeutics safely and reliably. But the data that shows you how to achieve these mandates often lives in siloed systems. Accurate and timely information becomes difficult for decision-makers to access. Research and clinical costs increase when valuable data is disconnected and hidden. When you lack a real-time view of your operations, you’ll have trouble finding the insights you need to mitigate risks and avoid disruptions.

How We Transform Pharmaceutical Operations

Delivering Insights

Gain timely, secure access to operations data so you can optimize production and avoid costly disruptions.


Embraces agile development to help you plan, adjust and innovate as the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries evolves.


Grow digital native services and bridge the skills gap by implementing innovative IoMT, AI and cloud solutions.

Building Trust

Build customers’ trust through responsive, personalized clinical experiences that protect the privacy of health data.

Optimize Your Pharmaceutical Operations

Leverage Zelusit’s AI frameworks to better interpret data, automate repetitive tasks and streamline your pharmaceutical production.

Breakdown Silos

Zelusit centralizes all your data in a single platform that makes it easy for teams to gain accurate, real-time insights into your operations and production.

Enable Self-Service

Create remote and virtual health solutions and give clinical patients and consumers on-demand access to their services, data and accounts.

Seize Opportunities

Develop new revenue streams based on consumer insights, data monetization, population health initiatives and customized offerings.

Save Time

Achieve time and cost savings by leveraging automation that optimizes repetitive administrative tasks and makes employees more productive.

Protect Your Data

Mitigate your risk of data breaches and protect the sensitive healthcare data generated by the increasing number of wearables and connected medical devices.

Scale Quickly

Achieve sustainable growth with tools that help you manage massive volumes of sensitive data, regulatory requirements and competitive markets.
Success Story

AWS Data Warehouse Modernization for AstraZeneca

AstraZeneca needed to implement a modernized platform that would create a single repository of trusted information, across their organization.

Zelusit architected and implemented an enterprise Data Warehouse, leveraging Amazon Redshift to replace AstraZeneca’s on-premise Oracle and Business Objects solution, instilling a set of Governance best practices and accelerators to ensure trust and accuracy.


unique data quality issues have been resolved


reports and dashboards have been migrated


increase in reports accuracy

Pharmaceutical Solutions

Transform Processes

Digitally transform your operations to increase efficiency and reduce costs significantly.

Avoid Supply Chain Issues

Quickly find and fix supply chain inefficiencies to keep production flowing smoothly.

Enhance Compliance

Enable your employees to file accurate regulatory reports promptly and with ease.

Avoid Data Loss

Mitigate the risk of breaches and protect sensitive data generated by connected devices.

Pharmaceutical Solutions

Transform Processes

Digitally transform your operations to increase efficiency and reduce costs significantly.

Avoid Supply Chain Issues

Quickly find and fix supply chain inefficiencies to keep production flowing smoothly.

Enhance Compliance

Enable your employees to file accurate regulatory reports promptly and with ease.

Avoid Data Loss

Mitigate the risk of breaches and protect sensitive data generated by connected devices.

“Implementing the AWS Cloud Analytics Platform powered complex insights into our business in an automated fashion. This eliminated the need for manual data manipulations and allowed all business users to focus on our main mission—offering high-quality, affordable healthcare and delivering integrated medical services with compassion and care.”

Chris Smith | VP Digital Health, Skylight Health Group

Let’s chat!

Discover how Zelusit can help you drive the most value from your data. Book a consultation with a solution expert now.