AWS Migration Services

Simplify and expedite your AWS migration while reducing costs with AWS native services.

The crisis that COVID-19 imposed on business and the need for rapid digitalization clearly pointed out the need for companies to be as agile and efficient as possible. Quite often, to realize quick wins, businesses start with cloud migrations like lift and shift of a database (DB) or all virtual machines (VM) in a data center However, the true value of cloud services is unlocked when the organization matures in its mindset and approach to cloud services and starts thinking about how the cloud can be used to create entirely new products, services, and customer experiences.

Zelusit is an AWS Advanced Tier Services Partner in the area of professional services. We help organizations define their cloud migration strategy and roadmap, making sure the process is optimized at each step of the way. As a trusted partner, Zelusit can help secure AWS funding for the migration programs of its customers.

Why Embrace AWS Migration?

Migrating to the AWS cloud provides organizations with the flexibility they need and can lead to significant cost-efficiency. AWS helps businesses not only stay afloat in an extremely dynamic environment, but also puts them on the path to becoming market leaders and helps them shape the mindset of innovation.

Scalability and flexibility

Adjust easily to changing demands, dynamically rightsizing the resource you’re using without having to over provision to meet spikes in demands or risk denying your clients the service they need.

Cost optimization

Pay only for the resource you are using. Eliminate the burden of huge capital expenditure and replace it with flexible pay-as-you-go model.


Take advantage of the built-in security features of AWS services and underlying infrastructure redundancy, so your applications never have downtime that could impact your customers and operations.


Boost innovation with a large variety of easily accessible AWS cloud services at your disposal, focusing on enhancing your products, services, and customer experience.

AWS Migration Services at Scale

Save time and cost by migrating to fully managed AWS databases that run at scale with high availability and reliability.
Migrate servers from your on-premises infrastructure directly into AWS. Automate the schedule and track incremental replication of live server volumes.
Accelerate your cloud migration journey by taking advantage of Zelusit and AWS’s proven cloud migration strategy.
Protect critical data and systems from potential disasters through automated backups, impeccable disaster recovery planning, and secure data archiving on AWS.

Zelusit’s Approach to AWS Migration

Transforming decades of legacy solutions from on-premises infrastructure to the cloud doesn’t happen overnight. Successful migrations leverage a tried and tested framework and follow a purposeful plan that starts with measured pilots and continues through prioritized iterations, ensuring business value is evaluated at each step of the way. Take the first step on your journey toward the scalability and flexibility of the cloud following a thoughtful migration plan.

We identify all stakeholders and conduct a series of exploratory workshops to get acquainted with the organization’s data strategy and long-term plans, including a catalogue of cloud migration use cases. Evaluate your current infrastructure, applications, and workloads to determine which components can be moved to AWS and identify any dependencies and potential roadblocks.

We join forces to create a holistic AWS migration roadmap that will help accomplish strategic business objectives. It outlines the order in which components of your current environment will be migrated to AWS, the required resources, and any necessary modifications to your applications. We’ll help you establish a cloud center of excellence that involves the respective experts from your organization following a tailored upskilling and onboarding plan that ensures continuous operations under all security and compliance requirements.

Execute the AWS migration plan staring with the configuration of your AWS cloud environment, including setting up accounts, VPCs, security groups, and other necessary components. We then migrate your components to AWS (data, applications, workloads, etc.) establishing the right monitoring features and controls so you have the insights into your AWS cloud operations. At the end of each migration cycle, we fine-tune your AWS environment to ensure that it is running at peak efficiency, and plan and execute the next step of the migration plan.

AWS Data Lake Implementation in Healthcare
Success Stories

10x Increase in Productivity with an AWS Data Lake Implementation

Skylight Health Group was struggling with consolidating their accounting reporting as the group consists of a number of companies and clinics each of them using different accounting software solutions.

The solution is comprised of two major components – a data lake to store any data, in any format, from any source and a Redshift data warehouse which sources data from the data lake and hosts a robust integrated data model.


more productive analytics team


manual effort needed to produce reports


infrastructure maintenance needed

SUCCESS STORY AWS Cloud Analytics Solution for Sustainability and Regulatory Compliance - square image.
Success Story

AWS Cloud Analytics Solution for Sustainability and Regulatory Compliance

Our customer is aiming to reduce the environmental footprint of their retail operations in line with the European Green Deal which requires achieving net-zero carbon by 2050.

Zelusit designed and implemented an AWS-based cloud analytics solution and played a key role in the customer’s sustainability transformation.


dealers’ carbon footprint tracked


infrastructure costs and carbon footprint


reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2030

SUCCESS STORY AWS Cloud Analytics Solution for Sustainability and Regulatory Compliance - square image.

“The implementation of the AWS Cloud Analytics Platform powered complex insights into our business in an automated fashion. This eliminated the need of manual data manipulations and allowed all business users to focus on our main mission – offer high-quality, affordable healthcare and deliver integrated medical services with compassion and care.”

Chris Smith | VP Digital Health, Skylight Health Group

Migrate to AWS Now

Zelusit’s cloud experts leverage our cloud 360 methodology to guide organizations through Assessment, Discovery, Targeting, Planning, Piloting and Migration steps. We help to de-risk your migration and accelerate your time to value. Let our experts guide you on your journey to the cloud.