Application Migration

Migrate applications to take advantage of the performance and scalability of the cloud.

Increase Critical Application Performance

Legacy applications are often slow, expensive and inflexible. And maintaining on-premises infrastructure eats up your valuable time and resources. Moving your legacy or on-premises applications to the cloud can boost your agility so you can keep pace with other demands.

Application migration is an excellent option when you can’t refactor or decommission your workloads—or when your workloads are “cloud-ready” and can operate as-is in your target environment.

Zelusit seamlessly migrates your applications to the cloud so you can enhance their performance, scalability, reliability and security. We move applications to your preferred cloud using a fast “lift and shift” method. This approach speeds your time to market, as it requires minimal code changes to operate your workloads in the cloud.

After the migration, your teams can access their applications as they used to—minimizing disruptions to your business.

Application Migration Benefits

Reduced Costs

Quickly adjust resource levels up or down to match actual usage and save money when demand is lower.

Improved Security

Take advantage of multi-factor authentication and user controls to better secure your sensitive data.


Scale quickly without buying and configuring more costly physical infrastructure.


Improve application performance while minimizing downtime by migrating to the cloud.

Zelusit’s Application Migration Methodology


To kick off your project, we work with you to design a high-level plan and roadmap for your application migration.


Next, we help you define your business requirements, technical design specifications and solution architecture.

Solution Design

We design an app migration solution that requires minimal code changes so you can get up and running quickly.


During this phase, we migrate your front and back-end code and deploy your application in the cloud.


We perform PreProd and In-Sprint testing, along with quality assurance, to confirm that everything is running smoothly.

Decommission Plan

In this final stage, we perform integrated testing and organizational training to ensure your applications work for users.

Explore More Application Innovation Solutions

Migrate, modernize or re-imagine applications to drive business outcomes.
Move applications to the cloud using a microservices architecture. 
Design new applications in the cloud using a microservices architecture.

Application Migration FAQs

Lift and shift is the fastest path to the cloud and reduces your migration risks. It makes sense as a first step in your modernization journey or when your applications can run “as is” in your target environment. Lifting and shifting is also an option when it is onerous or impossible to edit application code or create artifacts after refactoring code. You can also consider this approach for data recovery, as storing a backup in the cloud is often beneficial.

Compared to on-premises environments, the cloud offers:

  • Improved performance and high availability
  • The ability to scale on-demand without purchasing additional infrastructure
  • Cost savings through cloud elasticity and reduced data center maintenance costs

Let’s Chat!

Discover how Zelusit can seamlessly migrate your applications to the cloud to boost your agility and enhance business performance.