Application Development Services

Leverage custom application development services to automate manual processes – and focus on creating business value.

The Drive Toward Process Automation

Manual processes remain prevalent within organizations, whether in the form of data entry, order fulfillment, invoicing, scheduling or countless other tasks. Performing this administrative work can consume large amounts of employee time, increases the risk of human error and limits the potential for growth.

Organizations adopting more efficient processes can stay afloat in competitive markets, manage remote or hybrid workforces more easily and be resilient in rapidly changing environments.

Leveraging application development to automate manual processes significantly reduces time spent by IT on tedious tasks, freeing up their time to focus on innovating and advancing business goals.  Take advantage of our application development services for use cases such as scheduling reports, handling employee onboarding tasks, monitoring employee work schedules, tracking absences and leaves, capturing meeting notes and more.

Zelusit’s enterprise cloud applications are built following industry best practices and using a flexible, modular approach.

The Benefits of Custom Cloud Applications

Increased Productivity

Seamless communication and information sharing across departments means fewer roadblocks and greater team productivity.

Time Efficiency

Automate time-consuming and mundane manual processes and free up time to focus on core business activities and strategic projects.

Cost Savings

Save money with more efficient business processes and lower upfront costs by taking advantage of pay-as-you-go billing.

High Availability

Avoid interruptions to your business with high-performing apps that minimize downtime and ensure systems run smoothly.

Automatic CI/CD

Continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) ensure code changes are managed efficiently and automatically.

Superior Scalability

Build cloud applications that scale with business, without compromising performance.

Application Security

Take advantage of multi-factor authentication and user controls to secure your critical and sensitive data.

Rapid Deployment

Accelerate deployment by spinning up new environments in minutes with Zelusit’s microservices approach to app development.
Success Story

Paperless Onboarding at MetLife

MetLife, a global insurance provider, was using manual, paper-based application forms for its customer onboarding process, which was slow and error-prone.

Zelusit digitized the application by designing, developing and deploying customized applications to automate customer intake.


reduction in paper use


faster application processing


profits and improved customer experience

Zelusit’s Application Development Delivery Approach


Our collaborative process begins with designing a high-level plan and roadmap for application development.

Architecture and Planning

Organize and define business requirements, technical design specifications and recommend solution architecture.


New applications are designed around achieving business goals and improving efficiencies.


Our team writes the front-end and back-end code and deploys the solution on the cloud for testing.

Test & Delivery

Perform pre-production, and QA of the application to ensure everything is running smoothly.

Implementation Plan

Perform integrated testing and organizational training for successful application adoption and usage after the engagement.

Explore More Application Innovation Solutions

Migrate, modernize or re-imagine applications to drive business outcomes.
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Design new applications in the cloud using a microservices architecture.

Frequently Asked Questions

Zelusit will work with your organization to define your unique use cases. We use these business needs to guide the development of a custom application. Examples of use cases include digital transformation, upgrading legacy systems and renewal of software licenses.

uilding applications in the cloud eliminates the need for costly on-premises infrastructure and maintenance costs, while providing scalability, flexibility, security and rapid deployment.

Increase Business Efficiency with Zelusit’s Application Development Services

Speak to our experts to get started.