Application Innovation

Migrate, modernize or re-imagine applications to drive business outcomes.

Optimize Business Processes with Modern Applications

Application innovation is a crucial driver for achieving business outcomes and can help your organization increase efficiencies by automating manual processes.

Whether you want to move an existing application to realize the benefits of the cloud, modernize a legacy application or have an entirely new application idea – Zelusit can help you achieve your goals.

Partnering with Zelusit gives you access to our strong business and technical expertise. We’ll use our proven methodologies to evaluate your current state and develop a strategy that helps you meet your business goals through application innovation.

Application Innovation Services

Rehost existing applications using a “lift and shift” method from on-premises to the cloud.
Move applications to the cloud using a microservices architecture.
Design new applications in the cloud using a microservices architecture.

Application Innovation with Zelusit

Front and Backend Services and Integration

Zelusit experts have full-stack capabilities to integrate front and backend code for a unified customer experience.

Architecture Assessment

Zelusit helps you assess your application architecture to determine the best path to realizing the benefits of application innovation.

Containerization and DevOps

Zelusit leverages DevOps and uses a containerized approach to our applications for increased collaboration and flexibility.


Zelusit’s application methodology includes integrated testing and quality assurance to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Maintenance and Support

After the application is live, Zelusit continues to perform data and system performance fixes and provide support as needed.

Why Zelusit?

  • Proven application innovation frameworks
  • A team of experts
  • Enterprise-grade security
  • Cost-savings
  • Rapid deployment
  • High availability of applications
  • Automatic CI/CD

“Zelusit’s use of serverless services for applications helps increase cost efficiency while guaranteeing high availability and scalability of our applications.”

 AI Development Sr. Manager | Financial Services Company

Application Innovation FAQ

We assess your current goals and application architecture to help you determine the next steps for your unique situation.

Containerization is an approach to application innovation where software code is packaged with the libraries and files it needs to run. It makes it easy to transfer applications to new environments with superior portability, rapid deployments, scalability and security.

Let’s Chat!

Discover how Zelusit can help you begin your application innovation journey.