Hyper Automation Solutions

Hyper automation solutions strengthen operational efficiency, reduce costs and increase customer satisfaction.

An Easier Path to Automation

Amidst rapidly changing business dynamics and customer expectations, organizations are looking for ways to improve business efficiency and gain a competitive edge.

Process automation is an ideal approach that can reduce manual involvement in both internal and customer-facing processes, making them faster, consistent, and more accurate.

On the surface, process automation can seem overwhelming and complicated. Even low-code hyper automation tools that promise an easy path to automation can lack versatility and efficiency.

With Zelusit’s development expertise, we focus on ensuring that processes have all the proper design considerations such as property authentication, scalability, exception handling, and logging to ensure you get all the benefits of automation without the struggle.

Why Should You Adopt Hyper Automation Solutions?


Reduce Costs

Save hundreds of hours per year for mundane activities and reduce payroll and training expenses.

Ensure Accuracy

Reduce errors by digitalizing workflows and eliminating costly manual human errors.

Enhance Productivity

Eliminate repetitive time-consuming work so employees can focus on adding value to the organization.

Improve Satisfaction

Improve customer satisfaction with significantly quicker response and resolution times by embracing hyper automation.

Engage Employees

Leverage automation to eliminate repetitive tasks so employees can focus on more rewarding projects.

Increase Revenue

Maximize profits when you improve productivity and efficiency to achieve optimal revenue margins.

Complete Automation Improves Warehouse Tracking

Our client needed to track inbound shipments to its warehouse from third-party companies. There was potential to automate 100% of the process using hyper automation.

The result was an automated process workflow that reduced time required to track shipments, eliminated errors, and provides statistics and KPIs to help further streamline the operation.


5600 hours saved annually


100% automation potential


20X faster data request processing

Partnering with You to Deliver Results

Hyper Automation 1:1 Sessions

Learning about our hyper automation implementation methodology and understanding the benefits before engaging in hyper automation awareness sessions.

Build Proof-of-Concept

Identify a process suitable for a proof-of-concept pilot. Setup the necessary infrastructure, begin developing the automation code.

Due Diligence

Identify potential hyper automation processes then check feasibility for each. Create a cost estimation as well as estimate possible impact in other areas of the business.

Plan the Project

Plan infrastructure and platform setup and estimate a general cost of all backlogged processes identified for hyper automation.

Hyper Automation Project Delivery

Procure infrastructure for hosting your hyper automation platform then design and develop the code. Begin user acceptance testing.

Ongoing Maintenance

Perform daily monitoring of bots to maintain the health of the platform by fixing bugs and looking for warning signs.

Scaling Up Automated Business Processes

On-Demand Hyper Automation Webinar

Harnessing the full potential of a digital workforce, tailored specifically to your needs.

  • How important is hyper automation to business continuity?
  • The challenges when automating your business
  • Hyper automation solution: Monitoring of automated business processes
  • Business outcomes

Explore More AI/ML Solutions

Uncover hidden insights that help you seize new opportunities and gain a competitive edge.
Leverage previously unexposed data to generate new insights.
Get more from your data with accurate modeling and scenarios.

Our handy template can help you plan and estimate:

  • Efforts related to the business process analysis stage
  • Efforts for the entire hyper automation development lifecycle
  • Time and costs to manage project delivery

Get tips on automating before you begin. You’ll learn:

  • How to measure the complexity of a business process
  • How to define small, medium and large business processes
  • What common process steps can be automated

Let’s talk Hyper Automation Solutions