FinOps on GCP

FinOps aligns your organization to achieve the full benefits of the cloud and maximize your return on investment.


Getting the most out of your Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Whatever stage of the cloud journey you are at, FinOps will help you get the most value out of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). A common mistake is for organizations to start considering FinOps when their bill becomes significant. This usually eventually results in unexpected cost spikes leading to a “spend panic” moment. Regardless of your cloud adoption progress, the best approach to implementing FinOps is the same: start small, iterate through the lifecycle, and continuously improve.

Why FinOps on GCP?

Fine-tune your cloud spend

Ensure you operate your cloud infrastructure efficiently. We help you improve your cloud footprint and uncover operational insights.

Obtain maximum ROI

Make decisions from a business value perspective while maximizing the benefits of Google Cloud utilization.

Build a financial accountability culture

Go beyond just reducing your cloud infrastructure`s cost and get a full understanding of your cloud investments.

What We Do

BigQuery Cost Optimization

Embrace a BigQuery approach to writing SQL scripts to build a cost-efficient Google Cloud data warehouse.

FinOps service

Our team is here to help you successfully implement effective financial management in the cloud.

Our Approach to FinOps on GCP

Our approach gathers information about your organization’s cloud usage, so that our recommendations for optimization can be tailored to your needs. This information is then reusable for future cycles or projects.


Zelusit implements a mechanism that allows all costs to be allocated to the right teams. This information will be visible through dashboards, so the teams can drill and slice their cost data in meaningful ways.


We take the information surfaced in the Inform step and turn it into actionable steps. Those steps will drive your organization to optimize its cloud spend.


We embed FinOps best practices into your organization’s policies, so they become second nature. The aim is for FinOps to be the new normal. We turn the quick wins into a sustainable long-term cloud infrastructure optimization strategy.
Success Story

GCP Cost Optimization for Retail

“Zelusit helped us optimize our cloud investments. They build a cost optimization services that drive cost insights beforehand and enable us to act accordingly. I am truly impressed by the mindset of their team members. They do not miss any chance to consult us on strategic platform enhancements which drives tremendous outcomes in the long run.”

Senior Technical Project Manager | Large Retail Company


reduced cost per query


faster deployment


incident management

Featured Resources

Let’s do FinOps on GCP