Vulnerability Identification Services

Implement a risk-based approach to identify and mitigate the most critical vulnerabilities.

Adopting a Risk-Based Approach

The growing number of data breaches in the news has increased awareness about cyber threats. Many IT managers are worried about data breaches within their organization but lack the time and in-house skills to take action.

Many organizations operate in reactive mode, which leads to a patchwork approach to security. Simply adding more security solutions without knowing the unique risks your organization is exposed to is a dangerous game.

A risk-based strategy solves this problem because it addresses specific risks affecting the organization.

Even the best-resourced organizations cannot address every cyber threat they face. By identifying vulnerabilities in your environment, you can prioritize those that create the highest risks, ensuring the best return on investment from your security solutions while improving your security posture.

Vulnerability identification is an integral part of vulnerability assessments, helping you understand the risks to your systems, assets, data and people, whether that is compromised credentials or unpatched applications. Implementing an assessment based on well-established frameworks such as NIST’s Cyber Security Framework or the CIS Critical Security Controls provides you with a comprehensive roadmap for a robust, risk-based cyber security program.

The Benefits of Vulnerability Identification

Enhanced Visibility

Visibility into your attack surface is key to successful risk mitigation – you need to know what your exposure and specific vulnerabilities are before you can take action.

Prioritized Risks

Not all cyber threats impact your organization in the same way – identifying vulnerabilities enables you to focus on those that create the highest risks.

Actionable Data

Eliminate a trial-and-error approach that wastes time and money – know exactly what steps you need to take and what security technology solutions are best for your use case.

Consistent Coverage

Discover vulnerabilities across your entire environment, including your cloud platforms – ensuring you’re not leaving gaps in defenses and are mitigating risks consistently.

Cost Efficiencies

Stop spending money without understanding which solutions are best for your risk profile – minimize your costs by investing in technology that improves your security posture most effectively.

Repeatable Process

Use your vulnerability assessments to implement a repeatable, measurable vulnerability management process – so you can continuously improve your strategy and mature your posture.

Regulatory Compliance

Various industry regulations require a risk-based approach to security – identifying vulnerabilities consistently helps you manage them effectively throughout the entire lifecycle, improving compliance.

Improved Posture

By identifying your vulnerabilities, you can create a roadmap that prioritizes your action steps for the next 3, 6 and 12 months – enabling you to boost your security posture continuously.

Zelusit’s Approach to Vulnerability Assessment

Zelusit delivers a repeatable, measurable vulnerability identification and assessment process that is personalized to your organization.

Trusted Frameworks

We leverage the globally trusted NIST and CIS security frameworks, selecting the one that fits your organization the best.

Comprehensive Program

Zelusit offers diverse capabilities – including penetration testing, managed services and cloud security assessments – to meet a broad range of needs.

Actionable Roadmap

We identify your vulnerabilities and present solutions to mitigate your risks, using our assessment results to create a roadmap for your organization.

Explore More Data Security Solutions

Zelusit has deep knowledge and experience in designing and implementing data security solutions. Our expertise allows us to provide customized solutions that protect your business and your data from increasingly sophisticated cyber threats.

Mitigate cyber security threats with comprehensive and proactive planning.
Define activities and processes for detecting and identifying cyber security threats in your environment effectively and efficiently.
Define the steps to take during a cyber security incident to contain the threat and mitigate the impact on your organization.
Develop safeguards to ensure the delivery of critical infrastructure services and limit the impact of cyber security incidents. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Vulnerability management and patch management address different things: the former identifies, evaluates and mitigates security vulnerabilities while the latter fixes software flaws.

Each framework is robust but meets different needs. Zelusit will help you determine which one is right for your organization.

Adopt a Risk-Based Security Strategy

Learn how Zelusit can help you improve security posture and compliance with a risk-based approach to vulnerability management.