Entertainment and Media

Transform your data into unique experiences that engage customers and drive revenue.

Get More Value from Your Data

Entertainment and media companies are overwhelmed with data. It’s challenging to manage content catalogs, metadata and customer insights when data is pouring in faster than ever before. If you don’t have the right data management systems, you’ll struggle to understand customers and engage them across their preferred channels.

How We Transform Entertainment and Media

Improve Your CX 

We help you leverage your data to create unique customer journeys, that are custom-tailored to their buying history and preferences.

Break Down Silos

Zelusit provides a single source of data across all your lines of business to ensure you always have a 360° view of your operations.

Enhance Your Data

Data drives your organization’s strategy. We help you take care of it by ensuring it’s always correct, complete and secure.

Optimize Entertainment and Media Operations

Zelusit helps leading media and entertainment brands increase customer satisfaction, boost efficiencies and reduce costs through AI-powered insights and tailored digital solutions.

Enhance Performance

Meet the infrastructure requirements of the new data-driven world by improving your systems’ reliability, scalability and security.

Improve Forecasting

Use AI to analyze data and make predictions about everything from systems performance to customer behavior.

Drive Revenue

Boost profitability by personalizing users’ digital experiences, entertainment choices and content recommendations.

Make Better Decisions

Modern data technologies allow you to make decisions based on accurate, real-time information—not on guesswork.

Protect Your Data

Zelusit keeps your customer and business data secure by implementing controls that protect you from emerging threats.

Engage Customers

Use advanced, real-time analytics to gain valuable insights that will help you attract and retain new customers.
10x Faster Data Processing with an MDM Solution - square image.
Success Story

10x Faster Data Processing with an MDM Solution

A client in the music industry wanted to implement a reliable platform that provides clean data and analytics. Zelusit developed an end-to-end master data management (MDM) solution based on Ataccama. Now, the client has accurate, on-demand data about the thousands of songwriters, composers and music publishers it represents.


more accurate data


faster data processing


faster customer service

Solutions for Entertainment and Media Companies

Royalty Management

Accelerate royalty payment processing times so you can strengthen your relationships with artists.

Customer Insights

Leverage customer data to uncover hidden opportunities, optimize your pricing and improve your offers.

Enterprise Reporting

Ensure your reports deliver the timely and accurate information you need to guide all your business decisions.

Customer Experience

Combine digital platforms, smart automation and predictive models to optimize key customer touchpoints.

Process Optimization

Operate more efficiently and cost-effectively with digital technologies that streamline your back office.

Let’s chat!

Book a consultation with a solution expert now.