AWS Backup and Disaster Recovery Services

Protect critical data and systems from potential disasters through automated backups, impeccable disaster recovery planning, and secure data archiving on AWS.

Natural disasters, cyber-attacks, and human errors can cause severe interruptions to business operations. Without a proper disaster recovery and backup plan, a company can face significant financial losses, damage to its reputation, or even business closures. The importance of having a robust disaster recovery and backup plan to ensure your data is protected, available, and can be quickly recovered in case of an interruption cannot be overstated. It’s crucial for any business to have a disaster recovery and backup plan in place to minimize the impact of an unexpected event and to ensure the continuity of operations.

Zelusit’s comprehensive Disaster Recovery and Backup solution helps businesses protect critical data and systems from potential disasters. By using a combination of AWS services, Zelusit can help clients protect their data and applications from disasters and data loss. With the help of these services, we can provide comprehensive and cost-effective solutions that automate and centralize backups, store and archive data securely and durably, create and test disaster recovery plans, and automate the provisioning and management of underlying AWS resources, enabling our clients to focus on their core business activities without having to worry about data loss or disaster recovery.

AWS Backup and Disaster Recovery Benefits

Data Protection

Ensure your critical business data is protected and available, even in the event of a disaster or other disruption.

Faster Recovery

Create and test disaster recovery plans in advance, which can help make recovery faster in the event of an actual disaster.

Cost Savings

Pay only for the resources actually used and save money on disaster recovery and backup costs compared to traditional, on-premises solutions.


Leverage AWS’s global infrastructure and wide range of services that can scale to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes, from small start-ups to large enterprises.


Gain flexibility to best meet your specific disaster recovery and backup needs, with the ability to add or remove replicating servers as needed.


Automate numerous disaster recovery and backup processes, which can help save time and reduce the risk of human error.

Backup Your Data on AWS Now

Traditional backup and disaster recovery solutions can be costly and time-consuming to implement and maintain and may not provide the level of protection and scalability that modern businesses require.

AWS Disaster Recovery and Backup service by Zelusit provides comprehensive and reliable solutions to protect your critical data and systems from potential disasters through automated backups, impeccable disaster recovery planning, and secure data archiving on AWS.

Zelusit’s Roadmap for AWS Backup and Disaster Recovery


We identify the data and applications that need to be backed up and protected for disaster recovery.

  • Create an AWS Backup plan to schedule and automate backups for the identified data and applications.
  • Create an Amazon S3 bucket to store and archive data and use Amazon S3 Lifecycle policies to automatically transition data to less expensive storage tiers as it ages.

Design and Plan

We create a disaster recovery and backup plan outlining the steps to be taken in the event of a disaster.

  • Replicate the identified applications and data to the AWS cloud by using AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery.
  • Test the disaster recovery plan by simulating a disaster and failing over to the replicated environment in the AWS Cloud.


We use AWS CloudFormation to automate the provisioning and management of the AWS resources needed for the backup and disaster recovery solution.

  • Monitor the status of backups, data storage, and resources using Amazon CloudWat

AWS Services that Help Us Backup Your Data in the Cloud

AWS Backup

Automate centralized backups at scale across AWS services using AWS Backup.

Amazon S3

Store and archive backups in a secure and durable manner.

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Create, plan, and test disaster recovery processes for applications and data.

AWS CloudFormation

Automate the provisioning and management of a collection of AWS resources using.

Embrace Disaster Recovery and Backup on AWS Now