Master Data Management Services

Improve the accuracy and consistency of business data.

Complete and Accessible Data

Only viewing fragments of your enterprise data means you never see the full picture of your business. The result – duplication, incomplete information, inconsistencies and inaccurate results.

Master data management (MDM) lets you create a single source of truth for data, unlocking valuable insights you can leverage to enhance your strategic planning and make important decisions with greater confidence.

You need a single source for organizational data that is the core of your organization. Only then can you align processes, policies, people and technologies around creating and maintaining your data.

With an enterprise-wide Master Data Management strategy you can make sure your data is ready for important insights and decisions.

Benefits of Master Data Management

Consistent Data

Consistent, complete and up-to date information is available across the enterprise.

360 Degree View

Get the full picture with consolidated information from all sources of business data.

Improve Marketing

Get useful insights into customer preferences and needs from consolidated data.

Increase Trust

Traceability and visibility into data relationships builds trust and confidence in data quality.

“Zelusit measures its success by the success of the organizations they provide support to and that is proved by their actions and work ethics. I was really happy with Zelusit’s capabilities of not only delivering the right solution to our needs but also helping us with planning how the Cloud Analytics Platform can evolve in the near future in order to better support our growth and success.”

Chris Smith | VP Digital Health, Skylight Health Group

10x Faster Data Processing with an MDM Solution - square image.
Success Story

End-to-end Data Management

Our client wanted to implement a reliable data platform that provides clean customer data and analytics capabilities. Zelusit developed an end-to-end Master Data Management (MDM) solution based on Ataccama.

It masters data from multiple sources in a fast and reliable manner. Power BI reporting was implemented for better data insights.


greater data accuracy


faster data processing


faster customer service

Featured Success Stories

Create Your Master Data Management Center of Excellence 

Zelusit’s experience in establishing Master Data Management center of excellence and implementations are based on a three-fold approach:

Assess and plan

We review your current MDM governance-related artifacts, such as rules, methodologies, policies, standards, processes, procedures and culture. We then develop a roadmap to take your organization to a future state of better data management.

Design and Setup

Develop and maintain the operating model, framework, strategy, architecture and implementation plan. Next, define the spheres of accountability and responsibility for the data owners, data stewards and overall change management.

Support and Empower

Create an MDM governance committee to oversee data management. The committee coordinates, collaborates and validates artifacts. By improving governance, your organization increases the quality of the data and the accuracy of the insights.

Explore More Data Governance Solutions

Zelusit has a wealth of knowledge and experience in implementing data governance strategies. We leverage our expertise to provide leadership and guidance, bringing your data to life.

Ensure data across all your systems is trusted, accessible and understood.
With Zelusit, you can continuously monitor your data and improve its quality. You’ll also enable data-dependent applications to deliver the accurate insights needed to inform your decisions.
Maintain accurate, consistent and standard reference data across your organization. Standard and governed processes allow you to trace data and maintain a 360° view of your operations.
With Zelusit’s Metadata Management Services, you can easily track data as it moves across your organization. Gaining fast access to this information can improve your decision-making and compliance.
Bring order to vast amounts of data. Zelusit will help you divide large amounts of information into manageable units or data domains that are easy for teams to analyze independently.
Minimize the risk of data quality deterioration by tracking information as it moves across systems and maintaining detailed information about its targets, transformations, mappings and transitions.

Let’s Talk Master Data Management