Artificial Intelligence

Leverage previously unexposed data to generate new insights.

AI is Only as Good as Your Data

AI promises endless possibilities, but it is not a silver bullet. Its business impact is only as good as the accuracy of your models and the quality of the data that powers them. You also need the right skillsets to derive the most value from your AI pipelines and models.

Zelusit helps you harness the power of AI to predict trends, anticipate disruptions and boost efficiencies. We provide all the expertise you need to get value from your AI insights so you can drive innovation and tap into new revenue streams ahead of your competition.  

We also understand that high-quality data is critical to achieving AI results. That’s why we clean your data and make it AI-ready. We can also improve your machine learning models, making AI insights more accurate and reliable over time.

How We Optimize Your AI

AI Operations

We automate the capture of telemetry and the retraining of your AI models—helping you optimize your AI performance and capture information in real time.

AI Platforms

We enable techniques and libraries that provide context for your AI predictions, so you understand the potential business impacts of each adjustment.

AI Strategy

We can build comprehensive AI and analytics roadmaps for your organization—including optimizing your AI use cases and selecting technologies that meet your needs.

Royalty Forecasting and Advanced Pay Calculations

A large music rights management organization required a forecasting solution to automate the prediction and calculation of future song royalties based on historical performance and insights collected from external data.

Zelusit leveraged the client’s internal data, hit charts and song popularity information to develop a forecasting solution that predicts future song earnings.


in annual savings from fewer errors


Produce forecasts for 130M records


100K artists can predict future earnings

The Zelusit Difference

As a leader in the data and AI space, we work collaboratively with your subject matter experts to recommend and implement AI services. We leverage our deep technical expertise and decades of industry experience to build custom solutions that solve your unique business challenges.

When choosing an AI solution, we consider your ongoing costs, technology landscape, maintainability and support team.

We also work closely with our Data Governance and Data Engineering experts to base your models on clean, trusted data.

AI Methodology

Our AI project methodology is proven to solve business problems efficiently and effectively.

Business Goals

We start by defining your business goals and conducting user and variability studies. This helps us understand where AI can augment your processes and provide you with business value.


During this phase, we prepare and consolidate your data for downstream analytical modelling. We also ensure your business processes are ready to support your AI initiatives.


This iterative phase optimizes your data engineering pipelines and model complexity. We can add capacity and implement roadmaps that help you achieve your future business goals.


We can custom-build AI and analytics models to meet your unique needs. Custom training provides accuracy that you often can’t get with plug-and-play solutions. We can also implement out-of-the-box AI tools that meet your needs.


The final phase focuses on model orchestration and enablement. We determine the best consumption medium, assess your internal capacity and provide monitoring tools that simplify your ongoing maintenance.

Our Expertise

Zelusit’s AI & Analytics experts possess decades of industry experience and specializations in mathematical modelling, simulations, data engineering and business intelligence.

We partner with academic institutions, including the Intelligent Control and Estimation (ICE) Laboratory in the University of Guelph’s College of Engineering and Physical Sciences. Zelusit is also a member of Scale AI, a Government of Canada-supported supercluster that boosts AI adoption in supply chains.

Our areas of expertise include:

Intelligent Document Processing

Predictive and Preventative Maintenance

Machine Learning

Object Detection and Tracking 

Vehicle and Person Route Optimization 

Server Log Analysis and Risk Classification

Financial Crimes and Fraud Detection

Audio Analysis and Fingerprinting

Explore More AI Solutions

Uncover hidden insights that help you seize new opportunities and gain a competitive edge.
Get more from your data with accurate modeling and scenarios.
Hyper automation solutions strengthen operational efficiency, reduce costs and increase customer satisfaction.

Let’s Chat!

Discover how Zelusit can help you harness the power of data to improve your business performance and maximize revenue.