Cloud Adoption Services

Embrace a holistic cloud adoption approach that minimizes risks and maximizes ROI.

Gain Agility in the Cloud

On-premises infrastructure do not provide the agility you need to keep pace with changing customer needs, high data volumes and new cyber threats.

It’s hard to scale an on-premises environment to meet demand, as you must go through the lengthy process of buying and installing hardware. Ongoing maintenance is needed to ensure your infrastructure is secure and performs optimally. This requires specialized skills that are challenging to find and expensive to retain.

Moving applications to the cloud can make them more secure, agile and available. But your migration will only succeed if everyone adopts your new cloud tools.

Zelusit’s proven framework helps you accelerate your cloud adoption journey. It provides a structured approach and best practices to help you streamline your migrations, maintain continuity during your transition and drive cloud adoption.

The framework helps businesses across all stages of their cloud journey–from the initial planning and assessment phases through migration, optimization and governance.

Cloud Adoption Benefits

Zelusit’s cloud adoption services help you minimize risks and take advantage of the cloud’s scalability, efficiencies, cost savings and enhanced security.


Quickly increase or decrease your cloud resources in response to changing demand—without any upfront costs.

Cost Savings

Eliminate the costs of maintaining an on-premises data center and benefit from the cloud’s economies of scale.

Enhanced Security

Implement industry-standard security practices that protect your data from cyber threats.

Greater Efficiencies

Benefit from the cloud’s fast deployment times, automated processes and highly available services.
AWS Data Lake Implementation in Healthcare
Success Story

Cloud Enablement Success Story

Skylight Health Group’s clinics each use different accounting software—making it hard for the organization to consolidate its reporting. The group needed a centralized reporting tool and a repository to store electronic medical records (EMR) data.

We provided a data lake that stores data in any format and from any source. Our team also implemented a data warehouse to house information from the data lake and allow for consolidated reporting.


more productive analytics team


manual effort needed to produce reports


infrastructure maintenance needed

Zelusit’s Cloud Adoption Framework

Our proven framework accelerates your transformation and optimizes your cloud costs—while keeping your organization secure and compliant.

Business Strategy

We start your cloud adoption journey by defining your business objectives and understanding how the cloud can help you achieve them.


The following phase includes identifying which of your workloads are best suited for the cloud, selecting the right platforms and creating a detailed adoption plan.


In this phase, we prepare your organization for the cloud by building the necessary skills, securing executive sponsorship and establishing governance and compliance policies.


Next, we migrate the identified workloads to the cloud. We’ll ensure minimal disruption to your business operations while optimizing your cloud performance and costs.


Now you’re ready to leverage the cloud to drive innovation, including developing applications, using advanced analytics and adopting new DevOps practices.

Manage and Govern

Finally, we establish management and governance processes to ensure your continued success in the cloud— including performance monitoring, compliance and cost optimization.

“Implementing the AWS Cloud Analytics Platform powered complex insights into our business in an automated fashion. This eliminated the need for manual data manipulations and allowed all business users to focus on our main mission—offering high-quality, affordable healthcare and delivering integrated medical services with compassion and care.”

Chris Smith | VP Digital Health, Skylight Health Group 

Explore More Cloud Enablement Solutions

As a premium partner to AWS, GCP and Azure, Zelusit can help you modernize your IT environment and achieve your transformation goals.

Embrace a structured, holistic approach to cloud adoption to minimize risks and maximize your ROI.
Seamlessly migrate to the cloud without disruptions to your operations.
Keep your data and business applications secure in the cloud.
Make your costs predictable and maximize the return on your cloud investments.
Keep your business running—no matter what happens.

Cloud Infrastructure

Leverage the power of cloud infrastructure to make your business more agile and innovative.

Cloud Adoption Services FAQs


On-premises infrastructure can be difficult to scale quickly, as it requires purchasing and installing additional hardware or software, which can take time and resources. 

Maintenance and upgrades 

On-premises infrastructure requires ongoing maintenance and upgrades to ensure it remains secure, up-to-date and performing optimally, which can be a time-consuming and costly process.  

Disaster recovery 

On-premises infrastructure can be vulnerable to physical disasters, such as fires, floods, or power outages, which can cause significant downtime and data loss. 


On-premises infrastructure requires robust security measures, including physical security, network security and data encryption, to protect against cyberattacks and data breaches. 


On-premises infrastructure requires specialized skills to manage and maintain, which can be challenging to find and expensive to retain. 

Discover How Zelusit Can Maximize Your ROI in the Cloud

Let’s chat! Book a FREE 30-minute consultation with a cloud migration expert now.