Metadata Management Solutions

Make sense of your data and maximize its business value.

Gain Visibility into Your Data

Emerging technologies and new digital business models are bringing vast amounts of data into your organization. This data holds great potential and can provide the insights you need to seize new business opportunities.

But without properly defined and integrated metadata defining informational assets, you’ll have little context to derive value from it.


Easily Track Your Organization’s Data

Zelusit’s Metadata Management solutions include all the policies, processes, standards and technology you need to correctly define, integrate and manage your data.

Our centralized metadata management system saves time and frustration by automating metadata management—no matter where the data lives. With Zelusit, you can easily track metadata and how it changes as it moves across your organization.

Gaining on-demand access to this information is key to improving your decision-making and regulatory compliance.

Metadata Management Benefits 

Find Data Quickly

An organized, content-rich metadata glossary makes data discovery fast and easy—so you can locate, track, understand and utilize your data effectively.

Easily Trace Data

Understanding how information flows across your organization helps you support regulatory compliance and confirm your data’s accuracy when making decisions.

Improve Reporting

Storing all your metadata in a centralized system allows teams to seamlessly match reporting across your organization for improved analysis and business planning.

Save Countless Hours

A streamlined, centralized system eliminates your tedious metadata management tasks and frees your time so you can focus on the high-value activities that drive business value.

Key Concepts of Metadata Management 

We apply these concepts and best practices to help you drive more value from your data:

Business Glossary

A business glossary defines common metadata management terminology, exceptions and variants for business users. A common language improves communication between your organization’s stakeholders, ultimately leading to better data integrity.

Data Dictionary

Describing data elements from both a business and technical perspective is a crucial early step in metadata management. These definitions provide the context needed to understand each data object’s potential for application and reusability.

Data Lineage

When data enters a system, it moves through several locations where it can quickly deteriorate in quality and accuracy. Data lineage tracks how information moves between repositories and monitors data sources, targets, transformations, mappings and transitions.

“The level of cooperation between members of our organization and Zelusit has always been outstanding. It is easy to say that both parties work together as a single unit, and I am looking forward to further cooperation with Zelusit.”

Chris Smith | VP Digital Health, Skylight Health Group

Explore More Data Governance Solutions

Zelusit has a wealth of knowledge and experience in implementing data governance strategies. We leverage our expertise to provide leadership and guidance, bringing your data to life.

Ensure data across all your systems is trusted, accessible and understood.
With Zelusit, you can continuously monitor your data and improve its quality. You’ll also enable data-dependent applications to deliver the accurate insights needed to inform your decisions.
Maintain accurate, consistent and standard reference data across your organization. Standard and governed processes allow you to trace data and maintain a 360° view of your operations.
With Zelusit’s Metadata Management Services, you can easily track data as it moves across your organization. Gaining fast access to this information can improve your decision-making and compliance.
Bring order to vast amounts of data. Zelusit will help you divide large amounts of information into manageable units or data domains that are easy for teams to analyze independently.
Minimize the risk of data quality deterioration by tracking information as it moves across systems and maintaining detailed information about its targets, transformations, mappings and transitions.

Let’s Talk Metadata Management