Infrastructure Modernization on GCP

Delaying the time to realizing cloud value leaves companies at a competitive disadvantage. On prolonged projects, the costs start to increase. Let us help you innovate.

Why Modernize Your Infrastructure on Google Cloud?

Quickly embrace the benefits of modern IT infrastructures with Google Cloud and Zelusit`s seamless process for cloud implementation.

Do more

Free up your IT workforce to innovate and advance your business strategy.

Pay less

Reduce the overhead of managing on-premises infrastructure and manage your costs with per-second billing rates and automatic discounts.

Be agile

Leverage an ecosystem that fully supports a fast and scalable migration to Google Cloud. Move thousands of VMs at scale with built-in testing and right-sizing.

Secure your business

Reduce risk with Google’s world-class security and eliminate operational difficulties with Google Cloud’s fully managed infrastructure.

You Can Count on Zelusit For

With VM migration on Google Cloud, you can reduce the costs and maintenance overheads associated with running your on-premises infrastructure. Take advantage of the full benefits of moving to the cloud, including greater scalability, enhanced performance, and stronger security.
Bring your Microsoft and Windows licenses and applications to GCP and access scalable infrastructure to help you improve agility and cost-efficiency. Migrate your applications off expensive platforms and reduce dependency on Microsoft technologies to further reduce licensing costs and move to a more agile and scalable framework.

Begin Your Google Cloud Journey Now

The cloud is changing IT departments across enterprises – improving performance, adding new capabilities, and driving down costs. However, for enterprises with decades of investments in legacy IT infrastructure, cloud migration can be a challenge.

With the professional services that Zelusit offers, you can jumpstart your Google Cloud migration. Focus on your applications and data and let Google manage the underlying infrastructure.

27% Increase in Productivity with Google Cloud Migration - square image.
Success Story

27% Increase in Productivity with Google Cloud Migration

“We now have a modern cloud ecosystem that helps us do our job with easy and quality. It also impacted our students who already complete their tasks much faster thanks to the dedicated workspaces enabled by GCP. Great consultancy and attention to details by their team.

Thumbs up!”

General Education Director


faster infrastructure


increase in productivity


faster task reviews by teachers

Let’s Modernize on Google Cloud