Data Lineage Solutions

Gain trust in your data for more confident decisions.

Do You Trust Your Data?

You need accurate data to make informed, smart decisions.

But if you don’t know where your data comes from, you can’t trust it. Tracking data lineage in spreadsheets and siloed software leads to errors that can impact your reporting.

Manually managing data is also frustrating, inefficient and a waste of time.

And if you don’t know how data flows across your organization, you can’t ensure it is secure and compliant.

Easily Track and Trace Your Data

Zelusit’s Data Lineage solutions give you full visibility into your data—no matter where it lives. We minimize your risk of data quality deterioration by tracking information as it moves across systems and maintaining detailed records about its targets, mappings and transitions.

We partner with industry-leading data management platforms—including Ataccama, Collibra, Informatica and Microsoft Purview—and can custom-tailor a lineage solution that meets your needs.

These platforms use AI to scan your systems for data and automatically capture lineage information, classifying data attributes with tags.

With Zelusit, you can trust your data’s source and accuracy when making critical decisions.

Data Lineage Benefits

Get Accurate Data at Your Fingertips

An organized, content-rich metadata glossary makes data discovery fast and easy—so you can locate, track, understand and utilize your data effectively.

Quickly and Easily Trace Data

Understand how information flows across your organization so you can support regulatory compliance and confirm your data’s accuracy.

Improve Usability and Reporting

With a centralized metadata system, teams can use metadata objects to match reporting across your organization seamlessly.

Save Countless Hours

A streamlined, centralized system eliminates tedious metadata management tasks and frees time for the high-value activities that drive business value.

Featured Success Stories

Explore More Data Governance Solutions

Zelusit has a wealth of knowledge and experience in implementing data governance strategies. We leverage our expertise to provide leadership and guidance, bringing your data to life.

Ensure data across all your systems is trusted, accessible and understood.
With Zelusit, you can continuously monitor your data and improve its quality. You’ll also enable data-dependent applications to deliver the accurate insights needed to inform your decisions.
Maintain accurate, consistent and standard reference data across your organization. Standard and governed processes allow you to trace data and maintain a 360° view of your operations.
With Zelusit’s Metadata Management Services, you can easily track data as it moves across your organization. Gaining fast access to this information can improve your decision-making and compliance.
Bring order to vast amounts of data. Zelusit will help you divide large amounts of information into manageable units or data domains that are easy for teams to analyze independently.
Minimize the risk of data quality deterioration by tracking information as it moves across systems and maintaining detailed information about its targets, transformations, mappings and transitions.

Data Lineage FAQs

Data lineage captures the complete data journey—from its origin to every stop along the way. It answers questions including, “Where did this data come from, where is it going, who is touching it and how is it being transformed?”

Data lineage allows you to understand each data element’s source, target and content. It details the systems and people that can access data—which helps you implement stronger governance, security and privacy protections. It also provides you with more accurate and valuable analytics so you can find opportunities to boost efficiencies and cut costs.

Zelusit has more than 20 years of experience designing and implementing data governance solutions—including data lineage. Our expertise, methodology and tools can help you achieve your data governance and management goals.

Let’s Chat!

Discover how Zelusit can help you drive the most value from your data. Book a consultation with a solution expert now.