Azure Data Governance

Govern, protect, and manage your data estate while enabling data consumers to access valuable, trustworthy data management with Azure Purview.

Delivering Repeatable Trust and Control

Data governance is an ongoing program that ensures data and technology are treated as valuable assets. It is a framework for business units to work together to build confidence in and credibility of data and data assets. Data Governance provides an organizational home for data and assetrelated issues and a means of imposing controls. Data Governance delivers repeatable trust and control of data and technology needed for successful business in the digital era. 

Why Embrace Data Governance with Azure Purview?

Azure Data Governance Objectives

Data governance brings together a set of data management methodologies or disciplines that work together to ensure your data is:




Accessible ​

Secure ​


Azure data governance framework - square image.

How Does Azure Purview Help?

Azure Purview is a growing system of tools to encompass the entire data governance space. It is built on the Apache Atlas API and with native integrations to other parts of the intelligent data platform such as Azure Synapse, Power BI, and Azure SQL Server. Azure Purview gives users the ability to catalog on-premises assets, Azure and other cloud assets and even common SaaS applications.

With this effortless discovery of trusted data, a data map can be built up to help uncover data insights on assets across the organization. Azure Purview serves data producers and consumers through its catalog while enabling data engineers and SMEs to enforce data quality and master record management. Purview also appeals to data officers and stewards entrusted with ensuring data use governance is followed and that risk assessment and management procedures are followed.

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