Success Story

27% Increase in Productivity with Google Cloud Migration

Our client needed to migrate an on-premises training center to Google Cloud.


faster infrastructure


increase in students’ productivity


faster task reviews by teachers

About the Client

A large educational center, specializing in modern technologies and international cooperation and exchanges in education and culture.


Zelusit built a virtualized training environment in GCP that offers full stack of 3rd party tools to students without requiring specific hardware or software installations on user side.

Success Story



Service Domain:

Business Case Story

A training center that provides instructor led trainings for external parties and universities aimed to go online due to the pandemic restrictions. The center decided to invest in migration to Google Cloud and take the opportunity to build and improve all workloads and processes.

The on-prem training center was equipped with several application servers hosting multiple training rooms that were provisioned with laptops. That doesn’t allow students to have a personal workspace. Instead, it has always been a shared one. Moreover, teachers had to go to each and every laptop to check the task and provide the output if there was an issue. The training center management wanted to enable teachers to examine all completed tasks at a single place online.

End user laptops used to require a lot of maintenance and licenses as well as resources that were expensive and hard to keep them up to date. It caused slowdowns and above the average student performance due to the low hardware performance and the extensive software.

Solution Story

Zelusit’s cloud consultants tailored a cloud migration roadmap and performed effort estimation. It was all aligned with the specific customer requirements. The cloud migration approach required several virtual machines in GCP, all with different configurations, yet built in the same network.

One of the Compute Engine instances servers as a main node having installed Windows Server OS as well as Active Directory service and DNS enabled. Active Directory helps to introduce personal workspace per student and separate the roles/permissions on teachers. This server has also configured Remote Desktop service with connection gateway functionality and connection broker. That setup along with Remote Desktop Web enables users to remotely access the server without having the need of specific OS or additional installations.

In addition, our cloud consultants implemented an out-of-the-box approach to monitoring and overseeing the students work in real time. It enabled the teachers to provide their comments and recommendations without using 3rd party tools for screen sharing and monitoring.

Zelusit’s Cloud Solution Outcomes

  • Provides fully digital experience to the training center’s students
  • Requires minimum hardware performance from end users (students)
  • Optimizes the control over students during the exercises
  • Provides individual workspaces for each user (student/teacher)
  • Reduces hardware costs for the training center

Benefits Story

Our approach to migrating the training center’s infrastructure to GCP improved the overall performance along with student productivity. The manual effort of the administrators and teachers were significantly decreased. The control over study environment was also greatly improved. Currently, students are having individual out-of-the-box workspaces, without access to each other`s resources and without the need of installing extensive software and licenses on their personal machines.

  • 3x faster ecosystem (hardware infrastructure)
  • 27% increased student productivity (faster task completion, quicker hand-on development)
  • 2x decreased manual effort of teachers to review tasks
  • More control on student behavior/actions (overseeing the students)
  • Individual workspaces for students
  • No additional hardware costs and infrastructure
  • Decrease in manual efforts by teachers to review tasks

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