Success Story

5600 Man-Hours Saved Annually with Fully Automated Shipment Tracking

Tracking the steadily increasing number of transport documents for various shipments worldwide has become difficult and prone to errors.


man-hours saved annually


automation potential


faster data request processing

About the Client

One of the largest automotive groups in the world.


A dedicated bot which collects information from various warehouse service providers across multiple countries, validates it according to pre-defined rules and sums it all up in a master file. Additional reminders are sent for missing data.

Success Story


Service Domain:

Business Case Story

The client wanted to track shipments with the help of documents that are sent by various warehouse service providers.

These service providers send information about the shipments and, upon arrival, must also provide the corresponding waybill. The client requires all information to be standardized, summed up in one centralized location and most importantly – be received in a timely manner, corresponding to a specific deadline.

Additionally, our client wanted to be able to keep a record of the missing information, as well as to be able to track statistics and relevant KPIs.

Solution Story

This business case allows for 100% automation making it the perfect candidate for an RPA solution.

The RPA solution comprises of a dedicated bot, which receives emails from all the warehouse service providers containing either the shipment information in the form of Excel sheets or the corresponding waybills as PDFs. All the documents are sorted at a centralized location and the Excel files are checked for certain pre-defined conventions, namely data quality checks. If they do not pass the checks, the responsible service provider is immediately notified, highlighting the bad data. The information that does pass them is then entered in a master file containing the valid summed up data from all providers.

After the master file is updated, the bot begins checking the corresponding waybills for each incomplete entry. If such a document is available, a link to the waybill is created in the master file, thus completing the entry for this shipment. If it is not made available after a pre-defined amount of time, a reminder is sent to the responsible provider, ensuring that the deadlines are kept. The reminder period is easily adjusted by the clients themselves.

Additionally, the bot maintains a separate file, which contains key information about the master file data. This allows the client to utilize it for various reports statistics and KPIs, giving them a perfect overview of the entire process just one click away.

Benefits Story

Our RPA solution completely automated the shipment tracking process, eliminating the need for any additional man-hours. Not only that, but it also greatly decreased the necessary time for processing, therefore reducing the reaction time in cases of bad and/or missing data.

Furthermore, the additional file used for statistics has allowed the client to easily notice and address any and all inefficiencies in the process.

  • Highly scalable for increased amount of shipments
  • Accessible statistics and KPIs
  • Reduced probability for errors
  • Increase in quality of work for the business department
  • Higher success rate in meeting the shipment deadlines

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