Careers in Greece

The single most important thing at Zelusit are our people. Without their know-how, enthusiasm and dedication, we’d be going nowhere. Step in, take a look!

Begin Your Journey at Zelusit

Working at Zelusit means to be part of a diverse team of people from all kinds of different backgrounds. It also means to work in an appreciative environment built upon mutual respect and genuine team spirit. We are looking for colleagues who are passionate about what they do, who want to help each other, share their knowledge and benefit from each other. Long-term success needs a stable basis and to us, our employees are our strong foundation.

Toma Buchinsky CEO Zelusit Germany

Zelusit has been successful in the German market for more than 10 years and has grown steadily, because we understand that our employees are our greatest assets. We are looking for people who are eager to learn, who are not afraid of new challenges, and who want to make meaningful contributions to our team. 

Toma Buchinsky
CEO Zelusit Germany


Zelusitns collaborate across functions, competencies, sectors and geographies to tackle the most interesting and complex data-related challenges. We are a team of self-driven people, ready and willing to react to new situations quickly and in an agile way. All of us are equipped with an unique mix of skills, experience and mastery and together we transform the Data and Analytics space for organizations every day.

For this, we are looking for graduates, young professionals and experienced colleagues with an eye for subtleties and details, who bring creativity and a service-oriented mindset to our team and our clients. If you can identify with these values, Zelusit might just be the right place for you.

“We do our best not to be “typical HR”. We do not believe in trivial question & answer games, we would much rather like to get to know you seriously during the application process – as a person and as a professional.”

David Frickel | HR & Communications

Candidate Journey 

Our application process is comprised of different modules. That means, we don’t have a strict process that we run through. We have certain components, of which our hiring process is composed and our goal is to have a straightforward and streamlined process that fits your schedule and does not waste time. For that reason, the order in which these modules are taking place can change, sometimes modules are combined, sometimes modules are not even part of the process. We take the liberty to treat you as an individual, not as a number that needs to be processed. 

Conversation with HR – your expectations, experiences and motivation

Our colleagues from the Human Resources department will talk to you about your expectations, your prior experiences, what’s important to you in your working environment and will eventually see how your expectations match our values and expectations. 

Technical Evaluation – What’s in your toolbox?

Another module is conversation focusing on your specific know-how and past experience in relation to the position you are applying to. These interviews are done by peers, people in our company that you will be working with or that work on similar tasks and with similar responsibilities as in the role you are interviewing for. That way we ensure that you get to know part of the team as well and can talk to people who can answer your questions regarding the ins and outs of the position from their every day experiences. At the end of this, we will know what’s in your toolbox, what you know and where you can still improve. 

Zelusit Task Sheets – questions to get ta small sample of your knowledge

Our tasks sheets are another module and are usually part of the peer interview. These are not meant as benchmark tests you can fail, but rather as an instrument that shows us what you have seen and worked with so far and how you approach certain tasks. 

Conversation with Management – project opportunities and career paths

The final module is a conversation with the management. This is especially done for the more senior positions, but not exclusively for those. The idea is, that management gets to know you as well and understands your background, to see how you potentially will fit the role and the team. 

What do we offer?

  • You will be part of an international team of experts in Business Intelligence, Data Engineering, Data Science & Cloud Services, with people coming from different backgrounds. Be part of that group and profit from our expertise. 

  • We develop our people at Zelusit individually – we don‘t believe in one-size-fits-all approaches. Career planning and personnel development are dialogue-based with us and we develop our people through trainings, visits at relevant conferences and project work for renowned, industry-leading international customers. 

  • You‘ll find a friendly work atmosphere where effort and enthusiasm is truly appreciated and honest and open feedback is expected. 

  • You‘ll have the oportunity to take on responsibility quickly, which will help you grow as a person and will bring you valuable experience. 

  • A flat hierarchy and the opportunity to grow within the company. 

  • Our internal Zelusit Data Labs are our arena for in-depth knowledge transfer, for sharing ideas and developing new input. They serve as our internal innovation drivers and allow people to work on a common goal. 

What do we expect of you? 

  • A willingness to learn and to be highly motivated to deal with new trends, technologies and challenges 

  • You have to enjoy communication and healthy exchange with our colleagues and our customers 

  • We expect you to not take the path of least resistance, but rather the most promising one 

  • To blend well with our people, you should contribute not only professionally, but also share something from you as a person 

  • Don’t be be afraid to ask questions and share acquired knowledge 

  • We expect you to have the ambition to achieve the best possible result and thus to contribute to our common goals 

Questions About Career Opportunities in Greece?
We’ve Got You Covered.