
Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT: Realistic Use Cases for Organizations

May 4, 2023

You’ve likely heard of the transformative AI-powered bot that has been sweeping the internet: ChatGPT. Developed by OpenAI, a leading artificial intelligence research and deployment company, ChatGPT can perform a wide range of language tasks, such as translation, summarization, and question-answering. Given an initial text prompt, it will produce text that continues the prompt, understanding and generating text in multiple languages.

The application set the record for the fastest time to reach 100 million users, just two months after its launch, whereas in comparison, the popular video app, TikTok, took around nine months to reach the same levels of activity.

As ChatGPT gains more popularity and becomes more and more powerful, Zelusit is here to answer: what is ChatGPT capable of? How can it help organizations?

What is Chat GPT?

Chat GPT is a large language model based on the generated pre-trained transformer (GPT) 3.5 architecture. The OpenAI website claims ChatGPT can “answer follow-up questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests.”

GPT-3.5 and ChatGPT were released in November 2022 and GPT-4 was announced just months after on March 14, 2023. GPT-4 boasts 40% more accuracy than its predecessor, but is reserved for ChatGPT Plus, a premium subscription in which users can enjoy faster speeds, use of the application during peak times where non-premium users may have to wait their turn, and priority access to new features and improvements.

The application constantly learns and evolves as it processes more data and receives more feedback from users.

Limitations of the Application

While some are envisioning whole organizations being run with just a single employee and a computer, there are limitations to what the application can actually do.

It’s Designed as a Language Model

While the capabilities and complexities of ChatGPT are certainly groundbreaking, it can’t do everything.

It is primarily designed for generative text, and while it is excellent for automating monotonous tasks, it falls short in terms of complex logical reasoning.

For example, it won’t generate perfect code, but it can help you gain efficiency in the process of coding. It can supply ideas to solve complex algorithms and help with documentation and commenting your code or provide creative ideas on how code can be leveraged.

It’s Not Always 100% Accurate

ChatGPT may pick up biases from the data in which it was trained on. This bias can come in the form of “plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical answers”, as stated on the OpenAI website, or in extreme cases even discriminatory or unethical responses.

The best approach to combat this is supplying

What Can Chat GPT Be Used for?

ChatGPT is most effective when it is used for what it was intended. Below are some of the ways it can benefit your organization:

Locating Relevant Data with Intelligent Search

Organizations often have significant unstructured data footprints and are missing out on valuable insights due to difficulty searching and locating relevant data. Traditional search mechanisms require extracting search criteria to locate relevant data, often leading to missed insights. They also lack context, are noisy and fail to understand relationships.

Zelusit’s OpenAI acceleration leverages ChatGPT’s knowledge repository to enable human-like conversations leading to targeted and aligned search results and improving insight generation by over 50%.

Learn how Zelusit helped a North American standards association with the research and generation of their standards documents, resulting in simple information retrieval, consolidated research from multiple disparate systems, a streamlined process for document creation and reduced time and effort by automating manual processes.

Accelerating Your Path to Analytics

Traditional analytics require significant effort to model, map, and pipeline data to achieve desired outcomes. Data is often siloed and requires heavy manual effort to integrate and achieve analytical value.

Zelusit’s Lucid Data Hub OpenAI acceleration uses Azure OpenAI to interpret content into data model, mappings, pipelines, measures and queries and serves curated and provisioned data. It can be leveraged to achieve robust analytics through four simple steps, 90% faster and with 80% less TCO compared to traditional methods.

Simplifying Content Creation and Management

OpenAI is great for generating synthetic data, including producing effective and creative responses to a broad range of topics and creating relevant content to specific business domains through customer retraining.

It can be used for brainstorming, FAQ creation, generative specifications, email generation and campaigns and can also assist with content optimization by providing insights on readability, tone, grammar, and SEO best practices.

Producing targeted and up-to-date sales collateral can require significant effort. Leveraging OpenAI, Zelusit’s Intelligent Content Creator combines industry and product context to quickly generate opportunity-aligned sales materials, reducing manual content generation by 5x.

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Increasing Customer Satisfaction with Intelligent Bots

Traditional chatbots lack context and cannot produce responses in natural language, leading to low success rates and requiring significant engagement by live agents. This results in lower-than-expected cost reduction and user experience benefits.

Zelusit’s Intelligent Bot Platform enables human-like conversations and targeted and contextual responses, leveraging ChatGPT’s knowledge repository, combined with customer-specific content to achieve over 50% improved bot automation success compared to traditional methods.


On the employee level, using ChatGPT to accelerate processes and remove mundane, time-consuming tasks from day-to-day workloads allows time to focus on more strategic and creative thinking tasks.

The efficiency and agility gained from OpenAI solutions can result in benefits like increased organizational innovation, saved time and money, and a sustained competitive advantage.

Overall, while ChatGPT has its limitations and may not be taking over entire organizations just yet, it is an excellent tool to use, in combination with data and analytics experts, to accelerate processes and enhance and transform the way we do our jobs.

Learn about how to prepare your data for optimal ChatGPT use.

Learn about Zelusit x Microsoft’s OpenAI services.

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