October 8, 2019

Zelusit’s ‘Digital Democracy in Canada’ report explores governance, accountability and security issues.

TORONTO — As Canada gets set to vote in the October Federal Election, a new poll released today surveys Canadians on issues of governance, accountability, security and digital democracy and shows 54 per cent of Canadians feel the country’s political system needs disruption. 

Additionally, the survey shows half of Canadians feel the current voting and governance system leaves them behind. Of note, younger Canadians (18-34) are much more likely to feel this way, versus those 55-plus (61 per cent to 43 per cent). 

The survey, titled Digital Democracy in Canada, an Angus Reid survey of 1,500 Canadians (conducted between September 26 and October 1) was commissioned by Zelusit Corporation, a global leader in data management and analytics. 

The poll found broad consensus on a couple of salient points across the country. Specifically, more than nine-in-10 Canadians (94 per cent) wish it were easier to hold politicians accountable and an identical number feel there needs to be a way to make the parties care about more than their stump issues. In terms of which issues matter, three quarters of Canadians (74 per cent) would welcome new ways to allow issues to be more personalized to them through digital means. 

“There are many challenges facing elections and democracy, some of which are in the news, and others which are long-term, structural issues,” said Marcos Da Silva, Director, Analytics Products and Strategy at Zelusit, based in the GTA. 

“We conducted this survey to get a benchmark on how Canadians feel about those challenges and discuss how digital transformation can be used to solve problems, breathe new life into democracy and engage citizens.” 

Digital democracy was defined in the survey as “the use of modern digital technology and strategies in the political and governance processes”. In Canada, and globally, all industries are undergoing Digital Transformation, including healthcare, an area with as much at stake for citizens as democracy. 

Where Canadians stand on digital democracy 

Respondents were queried regarding several issues of digital democracy. Four-in-five Canadians (82 per cent) fear that a more digital democracy is a threat in terms of election fraud or hacking, while three-in-five feel it is a threat to privacy (63 per cent). 

But unpacking the findings a bit further, it becomes clear there is attraction for digital democracy: 

  • 75 per cent of Canadians agree that a more digital democracy is an opportunity to breathe new life into democracy and engage younger citizens. 
  • 69 per cent feel that all of society is undergoing a digital transformation, and elections/voting needs to get on board. 
  • 65 per cent feel a more digital democracy is an opportunity to hold politicians more accountable. 

In terms of which issues matter, three quarters of Canadians would welcome new ways to allow issues to be more personalized to them through digital means. 

“Digital transformation can increase security and privacy, mitigate risk, control hacking and guide recounts,” said Da Silva. “Moreover, when organized in a transparent and responsible way, it can strengthen the governance process, align constituents and parties on issues, ensuring a relevant and personalized focus.” 

Zelusit has worked diligently at the forefront of technology for two decades – transforming and disrupting norms and ideas in ways never thought possible. Companies can learn more about how Zelusit can unlock the secrets behind their data and kick off their Digital Transformation at www.Zelusitcorp.com. 


Zelusit Corporation transforms businesses into digital leaders. Since 2000, Zelusit has been helping global organizations accelerate innovation, improve operational excellence, and create unforgettable customer experiences, all with the power of their data. By providing cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence, Cloud, Application Innovation and Governance services and solutions, Zelusit helps enterprises leverage data that they can control and trust, connecting them to their customers – and their customers to the world. 

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