
Why Manufacturers Need to Consider Paperless Production Floors on the Path to Industry 4.0

October 19, 2022

Paper has traditionally played a very important role in the manufacturing industry and is used for everything from blueprints to inventory lists, orders, and shipping labels. But paper can be expensive, slow, and error-prone.

As we shift to Industry 4.0, organizations of all sizes are making use of technologies such as cloud computing and analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning and the Internet of Things (IoT) to modernize their production processes.

Paperless manufacturing uses digital software to connect people, procedures, and equipment, automatically disseminating information across the production floor in real time. For manufacturing organizations who are looking to increase communication across the production floor, cut time and costs, decrease wasted resources and increase data security, paperless production floors are the obvious choice.

Below are some of the benefits of implementing paperless manufacturing.

Why Make the Switch to Paperless Production Floors?

Break Down Silos
Paperless production floors are incredible for increasing collaboration and breaking down silos within organizations. Rather than having information scattered across the organization on pieces of paper, with a digital system, information is stored centrally. Manufacturers are able to streamline their processes, share information seamlessly across departments, and keep track of document revisions and version history to make sure everyone has the most up-to-date information.

Save Time and Money
Paper documentation can take time to create, edit and format.

With paperless production floors, manufacturers can work on documents simultaneously and see each other’s revisions instantaneously, providing people and equipment with the information they need, when they need it. This improves the speed and accuracy of production processes, saving organizations time and money.

Eliminating paper also eliminates the costs of paper storage, recycling and printing.

When implementing a paperless production floor, organizations save paper, but also save resources by making fewer mistakes in the production line.

Risk Mitigation
Storing information digitally is more secure. While paper is susceptible to many natural causes (getting lost, catching fire, and flooding to name a few), with a paperless production system, data is backed up and can be recovered even in the event of a natural disaster.

Advanced and trending analytics can also be implemented on digital data to improve safety.

Why Zelusit?

Zelusit is an award-winner in the fields of both data and artificial intelligence and data platform modernization.

Our team of experts help automotive and manufacturing organizations transform their data and take advantage of the most powerful innovations of Industry 4.0. Zelusit is skilled in developing end-to-end solutions to enhance organizations’ operations, reducing downtime and operations costs, while uncovering vital insights.

Zelusit also knows the importance of information security. We are committed to delivering outstanding quality services and protecting information by providing our clients with reliable infrastructure and ensuring all proper safeguards are in place.

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