Success Story

4x Faster Reimbursement Validation in Logistics

Our client wanted to speed up reimbursement validation, simplify the process, and automate repetitive manual tasks that were prone to errors.


man-hours saved annually


probability for errors


faster invoice validation

About the Client

One of the largest automotive groups in the world.


Our team streamlined the process and utilized various functionalities of the RPA tool to drastically decrease the processing time and reduce the probability for errors.

Success Story


Service Domain:

Business Case Story

Under normal circumstances, suppliers send their goods packed up in metal containers to the production plants. These containers are property of the manufacturer’s plants which receive the shipment. However, it is quite common for the plants to be unable to lease out the desired number of containers to the suppliers, which forces the latter to pack up the goods wrapped in cardboards.

This results in additional costs which are initially covered by the suppliers but can be reimbursed if specific criteria are met. The process requires a thorough lookup whether the cardboard invoices sent by the suppliers to the manufacturer are eligible for repayment. It is a sophisticated process involving the usage of multiple systems.

Customer’s objectives:

  • End-to-end automation of the business process.
  • Reduce the probability for errors due to the complexity of the process.
  • Streamline and summarize the results of the validation.

RPA Solution

The solution involves processing compound invoice spreadsheets, provided by our client. The invoices need to match multiple criteria, defined by the business users and be summarized in a spreadsheet format. The validation process is sophisticated and requires the use of three systems simultaneously, including a mainframe terminal. Our team streamlined the process and utilized various functionalities of the RPA tool to drastically decrease the processing time and reduce the probability for errors.

Benefits Story

  • 600 man-hours saved annually
  • Reduced probability for errors
  • 4x faster invoice validation

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